Rione Pentimi


“Elegantly decorated, these trullo-houses reflect the simple and peaceful life of the past, built on sacrifice and hard work. Our aim is to show the authenticity of the lost world and DNA of Alberobello.”

– Alessandro Paiano – Alberobello

The evolution of the craftsmanship in this area is fascinating. Initially, there were only farmers. After returning from their work in the fields, and while waiting for dinner, they used to mend the work tools for themselves and the entire community. The need to repair the tools increased their skills.

“Mest Vtuccj”, the basket Weaver, repaired chairs; various kinds of baskets and straw hats, using dried bundles of wood.

 “Mest Vastianein”, the tailor, made clothing. “Mest Franghin” the shoemaker, made and repaired leather shoes and belts. “Mest Pierin”, the carpenter, was very busy working with wood, (which was the main material together with iron and stone). These and other professions met their neighbours’ needs. They were the product and also the pastime in the trulli of Rione Pentimi.

People from different backgrounds and origins mixed in the neighbourhood where the smells, sounds, colours and languages integrated in the alleyways still here today.

The concept of RIONE PENTIMI developed to the XVIII. These skills were passed on to the next generations by their parents.  The domestic manual jobs seemed less tiring than working in the fields, and as a result the fields were gradually abandoned in favour of the crafts.  This is how metal/tin workers; carpenters and tailors appeared in the area,  although as time developed these craftsmanships gave way to industrialisation.

+39 080 4323829

Piazza Sacramento, 8
70011 Alberobello (Bari) Apulia – Italy

P.IVA 0675973072
N. licenza: 332 del 6/10/2009

REA: 518650 Reg. Imprese di Bari

© 2024 Charming Trulli | Foto Antonella Ivone | Web master Francesco Pepoli